
Patient Simulator System HST series for physical examination skills training

Cardiology Patient Simulator "K"

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Real, comprehensive simulation of patients with heart diseases and arrhythmias - 88 examples. Real touch, with sounds and data recorded from actual patients, provides a true hands-on education. Easy to transport, simulator "K" can be in attendance wherever clinical training is required.



Japanese Patent No. 2990602
US Patent No. 6,461.165BI

Production Supervision:

Tsunekazu Takashina, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.H.A. President, Japanese Educational Clinical Cardiology Society, Osaka with Masashi Shimizu, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Mechanical and Environmental Informatics Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Who is Mr. "K"?
Simulator "K" is a simulated cardiology patient for clinical training. He facilitates total training in bedside clinical examination skills and ensures quality of training in auscultation of heart sounds and murmurs. He was born in Japan in 1997.

Obtaining reliable auscultation skills
Auscultation is a fundamental approach to cardiac patients, performed widely from general practitioners to cardiologists. Repeated practice is a necessity for learners to differentiate various heart sounds and murmurs. However, opportunities to learn with real patients are limited and could be insufficient. Simulator "K" offers hands-on experience in a diversity of cases.

Real sounds, real instruments, real anatomy
Sounds are recorded from actual people and reproduced using a high quality sound system. An actual stethoscope can be used. Auscultation sites corresponding to heart valves are located precisely on a life-size manikin body molded from an actual person.

Wide variety of the examples
Simulator "K" contains 88 cases; 12 cases of normal heart sounds, 14 cases of heart disease simulations, 10 cases of arrhythmia simulations and 52 cases of ECG arrhythmia simulations.

Comprehensive clinical examination training
Physical findings synchronize perfectly with each other.

Construct an original education program
Sound volume, pulse strength, simulation speed and running time are controllable.

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1. Observation of jugular veins

  • Pulsation of jugular venous waves can be observed on both sides.
  • The strength and timing of "a" and "v" waves which vary in each case can be observed just as with real cardiac patients.

photo: With External Speaker System (HST-EW-S) 11257-130 (M84-S)

2. Palpation of cardiac impulses (RV, LV and DLV)

  • Cardiac impulses are palpable at sites of Right Ventricle, Left Ventricle and Dilated Left Ventricle.
  • Various cardiac impulses under different cardiac conditions are simulated.

photo: Without External Speaker System (HST-EW) 11257-120 (M84)

3. Palpation of arteries

  • The carotid, medial, radial and femoral arteries are palpable at eight sites on the manikin. Slight variations of the arterial pulse waves under different cardiac conditions or arrhythmias can be detected by palpation.

photo: Without External Speaker System (HST-EW) 11257-120 (M84)

4. Heart sounds & murmurs

  • In all cases listening can be performed at the four primary cardiac auscultation sites (aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, and mitral). Auscultation of first sound (S1) and second sound (S2) can be learned in relation to synchronized electrocardiogram, arterial pulses and jugular venous waves.

photo: Without External Speaker System (HST-EW) 11257-120 (M84)

5. Respiratory sounds and observation of abdominal movement (for cases HR: 60/ min)

  • Tracheal and bronchial breath sounds and abdominal movement are simulated to facilitate understanding of respiratory related phenomena such as Rivelo-Carvallo sign, respiratory splitting and timing of murmurs.

photo: Without External Speaker System (HST-EW) 11257-120 (M84)

6. Monitoring screen

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG), jugular venous pulse (JVP) and carotid arterial pulse (CAP) and apex cardiogram (ACG)
  • Each chart can be freeze-framed for in-depth learning.
  • Case explanation windows for self-directed learning are provided.

photo: Without External Speaker System (HST-EW) 11257-120 (M84)

7. Group study

  • External speaker system produces heart sounds respectively at each auscultation site (aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, and mitral).
  • Useful for pre-training demonstration, group discussions and problem-based learning exercises

photo: Without External Speaker System (HST-EW) 11257-120 (M84)

Teknisk informasjon

Components & Specifications

Cardiology Patient Simulator "K"
Component Qty Measurements Packing size Specifications
Cardiology model unit 1 65 x 97 x 27H cm
approx. 10 kg
109 x 84 x 40 cm 23.5 kg Manikin with base
7 built-in speakers
4ch. vital signs system
Controller-cum- PC table 1 50 x 68 x 71H cm
approx. 44 kg
62 x 62 x 101 cm 59 kg AC 120-240V
PC 1   59 x 59 x 40 cm 15 kg Windows XP, 12ch.D/A
PCI board,mouse,
112keyboard, 15"TFT monitor
*Software & data installed
Rib sheet 1   Transparent vinyl
Replacement plus tubes 5   5 variations 1piece each
Text book
"Bedsides Physical Examination"
4   A4, 102 pages
Amplifier 1 32 x 35 x 8H cm 46 x 46 x 15 cm 10 kg AC 120-240V
Speakers 2   62 x 41 x 40 cm
20 kg (incl. monitor)
LSAT model unit 1 32 x 35 x 62H cm 51 x 46 x 80 cm 10 kg Torso with rotary base
15 built-in speakers
8 ch. amplifier

Cases & Simulation Contents

Normal heart simulation
(12 cases)
Heart disease simulation
(14 cases)
(10 cases)
S2 split (-) HR: 60
S1 split (+)
S2 split (+)
S2 wide split
S3 gallop
S4 gallop
pulmonic ejection sound
S3 and S4 gallop
innocent murmur
midsystolic click sound
S2 split (-) HR: 72
S2 split (-) HR: 84
aortic stenosis
mitral regurgitation
mitral stenosis
aortic regurgitation
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
mitral steno-regurgitation
pulmonic valvular stenosis
atrial septal defect
ventricular septal defect
tricuspid regurgitation
acute mitral regurgitation
patent ductus arteriosus
mitral valvular prolapse
dilated cardiomyopathy
sinus arrhythmia
sinus tachycardia
sinus bradycardia
ventricular premature contraction (1)
ventricular premature contraction (2)
ventricular premature contraction (3)
sino atrial block
atrio-ventricular block
atrial fibrillation
atrial flutter
Normal jugular venous waves, arterial pulses and cardiac impulses are simulated, as well as heart sounds such as S2 splitting in the pulmonic area and S3 and S4 gallop sounds in the mitral area. The characteristic findings of the arterial and venous pulse waves are simulated. For example, in ventricular premature contraction, the venous pulsations are normal but arterial pulsation is barely palpable by the premature beat. Characteristic heart sounds and pulse waves are simulated, Such as, ventricular premature beats.

EKG: Arytmi simulering

I tillegg til 36 pasientsimuleringer på venstre side, kan programvaren også foreta inngående studier av EKG i ulike arytmier. EKG-grafikk i full størrelse vises for å kunne øve på avlesning av EKG ved hjelp av pause og/eller kalibratorfunksjoner. Femtito forhåndsinnspilte tilfeller er klassifisert i 4 kategorier, som består av 13 tilfeller hver.

  • A-01 normal sinus R
  • A-02 sinus takykardi
  • A-03 sinus arytmi
  • A-04 APC solitary
  • A-05 APC bigeminy
  • A-06 ektopisk pacemaker
  • A-07 lurer pacemaker
  • A-08 koronar sinus R
  • A-09 sinus bradykardi
  • A-10 s s syndrom
  • A-11 atrieflimmer
  • A-12 atrieflutter
  • A-13 atrieflutter fib

  • B-01 atrieflutter
  • B-02 AV-blokk
  • B-03 AV-blokk og crbbb
  • B-04 AV-blokk (digital)
  • B-05 AV-blokk (Mobitz)
  • B-06 AV-blokk (Mobitz)
  • B-07 AV-blokk (3:1 & 4:1)
  • B-08 av og crbbb
  • B-09 paroxy ATR tachy
  • B-10 av junc R (svst)
  • B-11 av junc R (pat)
  • B-12 av junc R
  • B-13 av junc sammentrekning

  • C-01 V VI pacemaker
  • C-02 atrial pacemaker
  • C-03 vent pacemaker
  • C-04 av seq pacemaker
  • C-05 icrbbb
  • C-06 crbbb
  • C-07 clbbb
  • C-08 clbbb
  • C-09 clbbb (ved AMI)
  • C-10 WPW syndrom
  • C-11 WPW syndrom
  • C-12 WPW syndrom
  • C-13 vpc (solitary)

  • D-01 vpc (quadrigeminy)
  • D-02 vpc (trigeminy)
  • D-03 vpc (bigeminy)
  • D-04 vpc (couplet)
  • D-05 pvc (repeterende)
  • D-06 PVC (R-på-T type)
  • D-07 ikke-vedvarende VT
  • D-08 vent takykardi
  • D-09 vent flutter
  • D-10 vent fibrillering
  • D-11 vent R (sinus cond)
  • D-12 accel vent rytme
  • D-13 agonal rytme

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